“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”


Tim Cleveland

Executive Director

Follow Me

Hopefully you’ll learn a few different things about me on this site and get a sense of who I am, my experience and insights.  Most of all, I hope you see a few passions; both personal and professional.  With years of work experience, a few of those are bound to jump off the page and those who know me will tell you it’s not hard to find one of those passions when exploring a topic with me.

Today at work, I’m helping clients grow their business through the delivery of projects that are hyper-focused on value and that provide Digital Product Innovation to their customers! I’m blessed to be working with an awesome team of professionals who enable my success!

At home, I’ve taken up the obsession of Pickleball and spend most weekends on the converted tennis courts with my neighbors and friends. Check out the “Exploring The World” section of the site for some of the amazing explorations I’ve had over the past few years to places like Perth Australia, Singapore, and Vienna.


The Journey


Global Scope

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and ASEAN


My Education

Only formal is shown here. Life education is ongoing!


Exploring The World

Contact Me